"If 'gender identity' is something different than biological sex, what does it actually mean?"

Well I suppose there's might be an objective argument that could be made, in the sense that "gender identity" would refer to "gender compatibility" implying that a person's brain would either have certain needs that are only met by specific gender substances (such as hormones) or an allergy to specific gender substances, or both. I think "gender identity" would make sense if it possible for people who are stably multigender ("intersex"), as they shouldn't have to be forced to choose "only one" if they can choose to keep both without any adverse effect(s) (then again if choosing both early in life means fertility will be impossible later in life, that may complicate things).

In any case the government should stick to what can objectively be determined, as if it doesn't that would be indoctrinating citizens. Education means giving a person tools in the form of information such that they can then make up their own mind, even if they reach a conclusion the educator disagrees with or finds offensive. Free thought is the foundation of democracy. That means people must be free to choose what they believe about gender, but unscientific information may not be spread by the government, no more than a school may teach "flat earth theories".

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